The only products in the world to use Australian silk.
Australian Silk
5,000+ years of history, reimagined.
Benefits of Silk Skincare
Schagen et al (2017), "Topical Peptide Treatments with Effective Anti-Ageing Results"
A timeless fibre connecting past to present
The Silk Discovery
Silk's origins can be traced back to a discovery by Empress Leizu of China who is said to have discovered silk as a cocoon dropped into her tea from above, and gently unravelled in 2,700 BC. Its elegance and natural beauty was immediately recognised, and led to the expansion of an ever-growing industry of silk production which the silkworm is the focus.
For 2,500 years, the royal family of China had kept the secret of Silk to themselves. The material was sold to the rulers of the West, but the source of the shiny thread that made the material was not revealed. The penalty in China for revealing the true source of the shiny thread was in fact death!
From China to the World
Silk, once a closely guarded secret of the Chinese imperial family, has evolved into a global symbol of luxury and elegance. The journey of silk to the world stage began with two intrepid monks who, in the 6th century, brought silkworm eggs and mulberry shoots back to Constantinople, cleverly hidden in their hollowed-out walking sticks. This daring mission marked the beginning of the Silk Road, a trade route that connected East and West and revolutionised global commerce.
Today, Seresilk honours this rich heritage by blending ancient techniques with contemporary innovation. Our silk products are crafted with the same dedication to quality and beauty that captivated the rulers of the past, now enhanced by sustainable and transparent practices.
The Silkworm Life Cycle
Silkworm Life Cycle Explained
The Secret Benefits Behind Silk Proteins
18 Amino Acids
The secret to Seresilk lies in Seresilk's uniquely Australian silk and its three main amino acids; glycine, alanine and serine, which help emulate the skin's natural moisturising factor to improve hydration and reduce trans-epidermal water loss.
The sericin protein's remedial properties help support cell regeneration, and elasticity for increased skin firmness while the glycine and alanine amino acids protect the skin from the effects of pollution by scooping up free radicals through their antioxidant properties.
In fact, the comprehensive 4-step routine is so powerful that it uses only 24 ingredients to truly let the silk shine.