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WIN and experience the power of Australian Silk Skincare

Experience the transformative power of silk skincare!

Seresilk’s Australian-made, eco-friendly, and cruelty-free skincare range uses the highest-quality ingredients, including the strongest natural fibre in the world: silk.

Seresilk’s carefully curated formula delivers the natural benefits of silk in its most authentic form, providing an uncomplicated and effective skincare ritual for anyone wanting some extra skin loving.

Now you can experience the power of Seresilk’s skin care range with our exclusive giveaway.

Simply guess how many silk exfoliators are in the jar...

... and be in the running to win our bespoke skincare ritual, which includes:

The most accurate guess will win a FREE Seresilk Essentials Set!

An additional entry can be made by submitting your phone number where you’ll also receive exclusive updates on new product launches and sales. 

Entries are only open for a limited time. Don’t miss out on a chance to unlock your best skin yet with Seresilk.

Enter now and get ready to glow with the power of silk skincare!